Bayless Award

Bayless Award

The Bayless Award was created in 1985 in honor of Jack D. Bayless, to recognize the best South Carolina presentation/paper given at each annual chapter meeting. Each year, volunteer judges evaluate presentations in the following categories:

  • Significance to aquaculture and fisheries
  • Experimental design and analysis
  • Organization
  • Presentation
  • Quality of visual aids.

Presenters are scored on a scale of one to four, four being excellent, for each category. The presenter with the highest total score receives the award. Any members interested in volunteering as judges for the next annual meeting, or joining the Awards Committee, should contact Joe Evans or Amy Dukes.


  • 2021 – Tracey Smart – Spatial Distribution Changes and Habitat Use in Red Porgy in Waters off the Southeast U.S. Atlantic Coast.
  • 2010 – Kevin Kubach – What’s out there? Estimating statewide stream conditions in the South Carolina Stream Assessment. Co-authored by Mark Scott
  • 2009 – Andrew Ray – Relationships between shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) growth parameters and microbial activity in zero-exchange culture systems
  • 2008 –
  • 2007 – George Sedberry – Spawning of Black Grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) in Belize
  • 2006 – Scott Meister – Observations of Deep Sea Reef Fishes Using Under Water Video
  • 2005 – Jessica Stephen
  • 2004 –
  • 2003 – Steve Leach – Beneficial effects of increased river flow and upstream fish passage on anadromous alosid stocks.
  • 2002 – Doug Coughlan – Strontium/calcium ratios in robust redhorse otoliths.
  • 2001 – Josh Loefer – Life History of the Atlantic Sharpnose Shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, in the South Atlantic Bight.
  • 1985 – Wally Jenkins